What we do?
The iPB provides the most current, evidence-based and fact-driven information pertinent to the most important areas of general and applied protein nutrition, as well as addressing areas with significant misunderstandings, misrepresentation and gaps to be filled in the future. These areas include:
Protein requirements vs recommendations
Methods of determining need and requirements
Aging and protein balance
Weight management
Protein safety
Protein types
Sustainability Issues related to protein
Eating philosophies and protein
Protein associated allergies & intolerances
Protein testing
Protein labeling and regulatory compliance
The IPB also works with governing bodies and associations to foster global harmonization in understanding protein and its application and recommendations.
The iPB consists of scientific professionals on 4 continents who dedicate their professional time and energy to better understanding protein through research, practice and education. The iPB members have over 300 years of protein research and application experience, as well as over 1000 peer-reviewed publications. Moreover, the iPB will leverage the most current, objective, fact-based information, ensuring that the resources provided are grounded on up-to-date science.
iPB Directory
With more than 300 years of protein expertise and over 1000 published papers, the following list of experts are leading the field in protein research. This group of 17 world class researchers and practitioners make up the iPB Expert Panel, providing key insight, research and opinions on all matters related to dietary protein, health and performance:
Dr. Don Layman is professor emeritus at the University of Illinois. His research focuses on impact of diet and exercise on adult health problems of obesity, type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Dr Layman’s research has helped define protein and amino acid requirements and the interrelationship between dietary protein and amino acids and carbohydrates in adult health.
Donald Layman PhD
University of Illinois
Champlain IL, USA
Dr. Arny Ferrando is a professor in the Center for Translational Research in Aging and Logevity at the university of Arkansas. His work has focused on the preservation of skeletal muscle, in particular, the use of nutritional interventions to ameliorate muscle loss. His work has spanned investigations during space flight, kidney disease, heart failure, burn injury, trauma, post-surgical rehabilitation, and aging.
Arny A. Ferrando, PhD
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas
Dr. Jose Antonio PhD FNSCA FISSN is an Associate Professor at Nova Southeastern University in Exercise and Sports Science in Davie, FL USA. His latest research is on the effects of very high protein diets on body composition and markers of health as well as safety. He is the CEO and co-founder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (www.issn.net).
Jose Antonio PhD
Nova SE University
Ft Lauderdale FL, USA
Dr. Michael J. Ormsbee is Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences and the Associate Director of the Institute of Sports Sciences and Medicine at Florida State University. His research expertise involves the interaction of exercise training, nutrition and supplementation to improve metabolism and achieve optimal body composition, human performance, and health with special emphasis on pre-sleep feeding.
Michael J. Ormsbee, PhD, FACSM, CSCS
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Dr. Brad Schoenfeld is an assistant professor of exercise science at Lehman College and director of the graduate program in human performance and fitness. His research focuses on exercise and nutritional strategies designed to optimize body composition.
Brad Schoenfeld, PhD,
Lehman College, CUNY
Brooklyn, NY
Dr. Bill I Campbell is a Professor in the Exercise Science Program and the Director of the Performance and Physique Enhancement Laboratory at the University of South Florida. His research investigates the effects of caloric restriction, protein intakes, and resistance exercise on already lean individuals. His career goal is directed at helping people optimize their physiques within a maintainable lifestyle.
Dr. Bill Campbell
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL
Dr. Robert Wolfe is currently the Wormack Chair in Nutritional Longevity, Professor of Geriatrics, and Director, Center for Translational Research in Aging and Longevity at UAMS. Dr. Wolfe has performed pioneering research in human metabolism using stable isotope tracers, methodology that is widely considered to be the standard in the field.
Robert Wolfe PhD
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas
Dr. Paul Moughan holds the position of Distinguished Professor at Massey University and is Director of the Riddet Institute, a National Centre of Research Excellence in Food Science. His research has encompassed the fields of human and animal nutrition, food chemistry, functional foods, mammalian growth biology and digestive physiology.
Paul Moughan PhD,
Massey University
New Zealand
Dr. Shiloah Kviatkovsky is an assistant professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in Little Rock, AR. Her research focuses on nutritional interventions for connective tissue health, with an emphasis on collagen supplementation for enhancing recovery from injury and orthopaedic surgery.
Shiloah Kviatkovsky PhD
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas
Dr. Carol Johnston is professor and associate director of the Nutrition Program in the College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University. She is an expert in high protein/low carbohydrate diets for weight loss, and vegetarian diets.
Carol Johnston, PhD, RD
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Dr Nicolaas Deutz is a Professor and Director of the Center for Translational Research in Aging & Longevity, Director of Clinical Research, Human Clinical Research Facility, Department of Health & Kinesiology, Texas A&M University. He has focused his research on (inter)organ protein and amino acid metabolism and the use of nutritional supplements to treat malnutrition in older adults and during acute and chronic disease states.
Nicolaas E.P. Deutz, MD, PhD
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
Dr. Mike Roberts is the Director of the Molecular and Applied Sciences Laboratory in the School of Kinesiology at Auburn University (Auburn, AL, USA). His laboratory conducts human research related to how protein supplementation affects exercise training outcomes in younger and older populations.
Dr. Mike Roberts
Auburn University
Auburn AL
Dr. Emma Stevenson leads developments in Sport and Exercise Science in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Newcastle University. Her research focuses on nutritional interventions, particularly milk proteins to maximize exercise recovery as well as the effects of exercise and nutritional interventions on appetite regulation, metabolism, energy balance, glycemic control, appetite regulation and healthy aging.
Emma Stevenson PhD
Newcastle University
Tyne, England
United Kingdom
Dr. Willoughby a Professor of Exercise and Nutritional Biochemistry and Molecular Physiology at Baylor University in Waco, TX. He is the director of the Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Laboratory where his primary research focus is on the skeletal muscle molecular and biochemical mechanisms regulating the effectiveness and efficacy of protein supplements.
Darrin Willoughby, PhD,
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Belton, Texas
Dr. Paul Arciero is the Director of the Human Nutrition and Metabolism Laboratory and Professor in the Health and Human Physiological Sciences Department at Skidmore College. He is a leading expert in nutrition and fitness lifestyle interventions to optimize health and physical performance and his research focus includes optimal protein level and timing in relations to human weight, body composition, health and fitness.
Paul J. Arciero, PhD/DPE,
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA USA
Dr Heather J. Leidy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. As a nutritional physiologist, she incorporates a ‘pipet to dinner-plate’ approach by examining the ingestive (i.e., eating) behavior signals by which the consumption of dietary protein (quantity, quality, timing) improves weight management via appetitive, hormonal, and neural signals controlling appetite, satiety, and food cravings.
Heather J. Leidy PhD
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Dr. Hamilton Roschel is a professor at the School of Physical Education and Sports / School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Hamilton does research in Sports Medicine including the application of protein, amino acids and derivatives on skeletal muscle.
Hamilton Roschel PhD
University of San Paulo
San Paulo
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is board certified in Family Medicine and completed a combined research and clinical fellowship in Geriatrics and Nutritional Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. She completed her undergraduate training in Nutritional Sciences: Vitamin & Mineral Metabolism at the University of Illinois.
Her clinical practice services the leaders, innovators, mavericks, and executives in their prospective fields. Dr. Lyon works closely with the Special Operations Military and has a private practice that services patients worldwide.
Dr. Gabrielle Lyon DO
Institute for Muscle-Centric Medicine® New York NY
iPB Approved Media Links
Protein Meals and Daily Intake
The name protein is derived from the Greek term proteos, which means “primary” or “to take place first.” Protein was first identified well over a century ago, at which time scientists described it as a nitrogen-containing part of food that is essential to human life.
Dr Don Layman presents on the important of protein at meals and getting enough protein throughout the day. Protein Choices. It’s all about Meal Choices. Nutrition Forum – Dr. Donald Layman, PhD
Dr Heather Leidy discusses the importance of starting the day with protein Breakfast in the Classroom for Teachers. Discussion overviews the positive benefits of the protein-rich breakfast for children and teens in school.
Dr Heather Leidy presents on Protein, Particularly at Breakfast, on Appetite, Satiety, and Weight Management Adolescents. Protein-rich breakfast can have a positive impact on weight management for adolescents.
Higher Protein Requirements During Aging
The average life expectancy has increased over the past century and now averages about 71 years globally. Along with significant medical advances, exercise, nutrition and lifestyle behaviors have all played a role in modulating longevity. Despite enhanced longevity, aging is associated with reduced muscle and bone mass, strength, metabolism and disease fighting capacity. Protein is a key nutrient in helping to modify the rate of progression of age-related affects. Over the past couple decades greater attention has focused on whether protein requirements are higher for older individuals versus their younger-aged counterparts. Today, it is clear that the evidence points to a higher base protein requirement for older individuals and that dietary guidance around the world relevant to this population and protein should be re-evaluated.
Dr Stu Phillips presents a short overview (2 min) on the Importance of Protein as People Get Older and daily distribution and food sources.
Dr Stu Phillips presents on the Importance of Protein as People Get Older and how requirements are higher versus their younger counterparts. Protein and weight bearing exercise are keys to better retention of strength, muscle and bone health.
Dr Stu Phillips is interviewed on Sarcopenia and Role of Protein and Increasing RDA. Sarcopenia is a loss of muscle and functional capacity associated with aging and role of exercise, especially weight bearing exercise and ensuring more protein than the RDA as part of prevention measure.
Dr Douglas Paddon-Jones presents on Muscle and Inactivity: Projecting Muscle Health During Aging. The negative impact of inactivity on muscle maintenance and functional capacity during aging and that protein is the keystone nutrient in prevention.
More Protein and Muscle Development
Interview with Dr Stu Phillips on Muscle Development and Role of Protein. This is a printable Q/A article format and goes beyond protein to discuss other macronutrients as well.
Dr. Stuart Phillips answers questions in Muscle Hypertrophy and Sports Nutrition. Discussion includes the role of training and protein on muscle development, resistance load, etc.
Dr Kevin Tipton provides a brief answer as to whether Meat Protein is a Good Stimulator of Muscle Protein Building. (International Olympic Committee (IOC) Brief)
Dr Oliver Witard provides a brief answer as to the Differences between Different Types of Protein Stimulation of Muscle Protein Building following exercise. (International Olympic Committee (IOC) Brief)
Dr Stu Phillips overviews Protein Requirements for Anabolism. Protein requirements from determination to application are discussed and the strength of support for higher requirements for athletes.
Protein Level and Weight Loss
Dr Stu Phillips presents on weight loss and changing body composition in Protein in Weight Loss: Advantage Protein. Additional commentary includes popular macronutrient manipulation.
Dr Heather Leidy gives a brief overview of how Protein at Breakfast helps with appetite and satiety versus lower protein breakfast or skipping, plus that it might not take a lot of protein at meals to benefit.
Dr Stu Phillips presents on the Macronutrient Mix in Weight Loss: Advantage Protein. Discussion on the importance of the level of protein during weight loss on body composition and quality of weight change.
Protein Safety with Higher Protein Intakes
It is still common today to come across internet and magazine articles, social media posts and even some professional commentary that either directly states or suggests that protein intakes above the current base requirement levels stated by many countries/organizations as presenting a risk to the function and health of various tissue such as the kidneys, liver and bone. However, the potential adverse effect of higher protein intakes on human health generally unfounded and in contrast to the most current evidence-based understanding of the issue. While the misinformation on this matter continues, an opportunity also exists for confusion regarding scenarios where protein requirements are clearly elevated above RDA levels and alike globally such as aging as well as well as caloric restriction. Furthermore, it creates confusion when evaluating certain dietary recommendations such as the Adequate Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) in the United States and Canada which states a protein range spanning 10-35% of energy intake with the upper end of the range dramatically raising protein intake above requirement standards. Thus, a need exists for a clearer understanding of this issue so that professionals, media and consumers are well informed with the most up-to-date information.
Dr Stu Phillips presents on weight loss and changing body composition in Protein in Weight Loss: Advantage Protein. Additional commentary on protein safety at several points in the presentation.
Dr. Jose Antonio talks about what a Higher Protein Diet constitutes and the impact of higher protein diets on body composition. Dr Antonio’s higher protein intake research specifically pertains to people who exercise.
Protein Requirements
Dr Stu Phillips is interviewed on How Much Protein Do We Need. Q/A includes discussion of protein needs during aging, exercise and general intake.
Other Protein-Related Information Sources
Dr Mike Ormsbee talks us through Protein Myths vs Facts in this ACSM accredited webinar.